Data Mesh Governance / Operating Model / Communication Channels
Slack Channels
The federated governance group needs to communicate with the rest of the organisation, and vice versa.
We use the following three Slack channels for the communication between our federated governance group and the rest of the organisation.
The team API for the federated governance group.
- In this channel, anybody can ask questions, bring topics or concerns.
- In this channel, the group announces news and important decisions.
- In this channel, facilitators announce upcoming meeting dates with agenda for interested stakeholders to join.
- Audience: All users of the data mesh platform
- In this channel, the members of the Federated Governance Group discuss, communicate, and work together.
- Audience: Federated Governance Group
- In this channel, updates on new or changed global policies and their adoption status are published.
- Use comments in threads to discuss changes.
- Audience: Domain Teams
- Simple communication
- Uncluttered
- Integration with Confluence to post updates on page changes to