Data Mesh Governance / Policies / Interoperability / Data Product Specification
Category: Interoperability
How do we specify the syntax and semantics of data products in a standardized way?
We specify data products with Data Product Descriptor Specification.
"dataProductDescriptor": "1.0.0",
"info": {
"name": "tripExecution",
"fullyQualifiedName": "",
"version": "1.2.3",
"domain": "Transport Management",
"owner": {
"id": "",
"name": "John Doe"
"interfaceComponents": {
"inputPorts": [
"description": "Through this port trip data is ingested from TMS",
"$ref": ""
"outputPorts": [
"description": "This port exposes the last known status of each trip operated in the last 12 months",
"$ref": ""
"description": "This port expose all modifications in the status of each trip as events",
"$ref": ""
"internalComponents": {
"applicationComponents": [
"description": "The app that ingest data from TMS using a debezium CDC connector",
"$ref": ""
"description": "The streaming app that process incoming events and transform them into domain events usable downstream",
"$ref": ""
"description": "The app that materialize the status of a Trip from related events and store it on the state store",
"$ref": ""
"infrastructuralComponents": [
"description": "The streaming topology used to store incoming technical events and generated domain events",
"$ref": ""
"description": "The database schema used to store the updated status of each Trip",
"$ref": ""